“Meet the Immer Reading System”
We’ve built the system necessary to make digital reading better, so you don’t have to do the hard work

The separate elements of the Immer Reading System strengthen each other, creating new possibilities between them

The Semantic Engine processes and analyzes existing book files automatically, and optimizes linked data like images, footnotes and audio

The Customer Platform securely delivers books to your readers, powers advanced reading features like group reading and AI summaries, and gives you access to data and moderation tools

The Developer Kit can be integrated in any new or existing React Native app, and other frameworks in the future, letting you customize our defaults or expand with your own plugins

The Reader Module offers the world’s best reading experience right out of the box, personalized and accessible, set up in such a way that it can keep evolving with the reader
Case study: the Book Navigator
Our Book Navigator lets readers spatially browse long-form text, which wouldn’t be possible without the elements of the Immer Reading System. Using the Semantic Engine’s structural analysis, sent off to readers alongside the text by the Customer Platform, the Reader Module brings this feature to life. The Developer Kit plays a role too, letting you customize the Book Navigator to your needs.
Introducing the Book Navigator
Grounded in scientific research
The Immer Reading System is based on research into all aspects of digital media consumption. Working with scientists, we investigate what helps to make reading more attractive and engaging, and how people can get more value from books and build a lasting reading habit. We turn these insights into a reading experience that doesn’t just look nice, but actually leads to better results.
First scientific validation
How does it work?
We deliver the building blocks, so you can build the reading apps of your dreams. Don’t have the resources? We can set you up with capable partners to get you started. Ultimately, you control and own the resulting app, and manage book content rights and user data, while we process the books, give access to our SDK, API and dashboard – and keep working to improve the Immer Reading System. Want to know more? Book a demo!
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